Jul 162011

Advice From Your Jaded Heroine

I think people are getting the wrong idea about me — as much as men make me want to gouge my own eyes out with a pair of child’s plastic scissors, I don’t hate them.…Continue Reading

Jul 132011


I woke up this morning and the dog needed a walk. I had a man’s business shirt lying around, so I threw it on over my undies, covering all my unmentionables and took her out.…Continue Reading

Jul 102011

Becoming the Antiheroine!

I think I’m going to write a story with me in the role of the villain- antiheroine all the way. I’ll lie, I’ll use men for their money & connections, I’ll rip their hearts out,…Continue Reading

Jun 202011

Captain Quesadilla and Me!

Captain Quesadilla and Me! First things first, every word I am about to tell you is true~ every single word, I swear to god. As anyone who has read my dating horror stories can imagine,…Continue Reading

Jun 152011

Death to Dr. Phil!!!!!!!!!

Lately I’ve been getting a LOT of judgmental emails about my straightforward, wonderfully candid blogs and apparently you all think I’m a big, giant angry dater, ultimately destined to become an old maid until my…Continue Reading

Apr 042011

Jesus Was His Homeboy

The other night, I went out with a loon. Yes, my friends, Miss Brianne Sloan is beginning to notice that she herself is an out-and-out magnet for drop-dead crazy men and all major forms of…Continue Reading

Feb 282011

Bad Dates?

  Bad Dates Posted on February 28, 2011 by Bri After months and months of enduring the absolute WORST dates you could ever possibly imagine, I decided to take an extended break from the dating…Continue Reading