Oct 242011


  I have been writing about bad dates and how stupid men are for most of my adult life, but it used to center around American men. There’d be an occasional Austrian that would stick…Continue Reading

Oct 072011


Every now and then, I’ll get a message on some sort of dating site or social networking site that will read something to the effect of, “Hey! I know you! You went to Mandarin High,…Continue Reading

Sep 272011

Why Are Men Such Pansies?

Men. I miss men. REAL MEN, not the sissy boy, metro sexual pansies that are being produced today! They knew how to fix things, they’d drop everything to help you open a jar. They didn’t…Continue Reading

Sep 272011

Cure Delusional Hotness!

Are you 45, attractive and single? Probably not.  But if you’re 45 and single, you must suddenly be under the impression that you are in fact attractive because so many women seem to be pursuing…Continue Reading

Aug 022011

Haunt Me, Hemingway!

“Writing is easy. Just sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.” Red Smith said that. I’ve always wondered what the jesus he was talking about? Writing doesn’t “hurt”, writing isn’t “hard,” it feels…Continue Reading